Thursday, April 30, 2020

Be Your Microsoft Excel Guru


So you have an excel sheet that is too complex or you simply don't have the time for it?

Don't worry about it then. I will help you with your Excel Sheet. :)

Here is some stuff that I can do

  • Formulas
  • Custom Formulas
  • Fix your data
  • VLOOKUP & HLOOKUP Index -Match
  • Pivot tables
  • Create excel charts, graphs Create excel, google spreadsheets
  • Create excel macro VBA to do regular works automatically
  • Combine, extract excel data from the cell, column, and many other things can be done with Excel, let contact me and I can create the way to do it.

 I will give Editable and automated template spreadsheet according to your data Model that would help you in future to just put data in it and it will do rest itself.

NOTE: To avoid any confusions, please make sure you will contact me before order.
Thank you!


: : : : :

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