Saturday, June 6, 2020

Create An Invoice Template Linked To A Time Tracker In Google Sheets


In this gig I aim to create for you a stand-alone invoice or one that is linked to a time-tracker in Google Sheets.

Here is a break-down of the 3 packages:

Basic Package

For this you get:

  • An aesthetically-pleasing invoice that can be customized to suit your needs.
  • Your company's logo as well as a drop down from which you can pick the company to be billed.
  • Optimized margins for exporting to PDF/printing if need be.
This package is ideal for a business that just aims to send simple invoices to another business/person(s).

Standard Package

For this you get all the benefits of the Basic Package plus:

  • An in-built time tracker if you want to track how many hours you've worked on a certain project or multiple projects. This tracker then populates the invoice with the correct number of hours and multiplied by the hourly rate to give the amount owed on the invoice.
This package is ideal for freelancers.

Premium Package

For this package, you get all the benefits of the Standard Package but in addition to that you get:

  • A time-tracker that tracks time for more than 1 user. This is beneficial if you have many users working on the same project.
This package is ideal for team managers.



Great work,fast delivery


Awesome job!

: : :

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog has been shared by you. it will be really helpful to many peoples who are all working under the technology.thank you for sharing this blog
    CRM with Invoicing
