Saturday, July 18, 2020

Data Analysis With Eview, Stata, Spss Amos, Nvivo, Dynare


Based on my vast experience in statistical and econometric techniques in which I make use of analytical software such as EVIEWS, STATA, SPSS, GRETL, AMOS, DYNARE, NVIVO, GAMS and MS EXCEL, I can work on both quantitative and qualitative data set using various methodology such as: 

  • Descriptive Statistics and Trend Analysis
  • Discriminant Analysis, Tobit and Factor Analysis
  • EVENT STUDY with Excel or Stata
  • VaR (Value a Risk) and CVar (Conditional Value at Risk) 
  • Structural Equation Model 
  • PANEL ANALYSIS (Using Pooled OLS, Fixed Effect and Random Effect. Also using the F-test, LM test and Hausman test to pick the most appropriate model);
  • ARDL;
  • NARDL;
  • GMM;
  • 2SLS;
  • VAR - Vector Auto-regressive;
  • VECM;
  • DSGE;
  • Simulations;

and BAYESIAN ANALYSIS, I will give you statistical and econometric analysis to explain your research work based on your hypothesis along with the IV(Independent variables) & DV(Dependent Variables) used in your study as well as control variables. I deliver your analysis with the appendix section for the raw results of the empirical analysis and I am always available for any moderation you want me to do on your task.

Many Thanks



Very good and active communication, replies instantly.


Perfect job and on time delivery


He was understanding which made the work much easier to be done.


he was good


perfect service

Data Analysis With Eview, Stata, Spss Amos, Nvivo, Dynare

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