Thursday, November 26, 2020

Analyze And Visualize Your Data


I have a PhD in Quantitative Biology and over 10 years of experience as a Data Scientist. I specialize in machine learning regression and classification analyses aimed at helping clients make decisions. If needed, I can also clean and organize messy data. There are some sellers that offer data science services for less than $100. I charge a minimum of $195 for my Basic package because I invest quality time, holding myself to the highest standard, and will ensure you receive the most accurate and thorough results possible. I am also a native English speaker and ensure all reports meet professional standards.

I will:

  • Clean your data
  • Select the most appropriate type of statistical models
  • Build these models to answer questions about your data
  • Generate visualizations and results
  • Write a report with all results and conclusions

Please note:

  • Cleaning very messy data and checking for outliers is an extra
  • I DO NOT build data dashboards
  • I DO NOT work with existing code or scripts

If you have any questions, I invite you to contact me before ordering.

~ Luka



Great communication and excellent service. Thank you very much. I highly recommend Luka Negoita.

: : : :

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