Thursday, April 22, 2021

Web Scraping And Automation Using Scrapy And Selenium



Hi, I will be scraping high Quality and Accurate Data using Scrapy, Selenium, Splash, and Python depending upon your requirement. My bots/scripts can scrape, crawl, and monitor Websites. No matter sites are static, dynamic, or secured with a login. Please feel free to contact and discuss your project.

Services Offered:

  • Lead Generation, Product listings, Real Estate listings, Stock Market Tracking and Drop Shipping
  • Web Scraping and Data Mining
  • Data Analysis and Reports Generation
  • Price Monitoring via Bots
  • Data Storage (MySQL, SQLite, MongoDB, CSV or JSON etc.)

Additional Services:

  • Source Code/Script
  • Documentation
  • Short Response Time


Seller's Response:

Thank your for great work , Always a pleasure working with you


Great Developer and Problem solver, his python skills are amazing


Thank you!


Great delivery!


Nice work!

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