Monday, April 19, 2021

Web Scraping, Data Extraction And Data Scraping


Welcome to my Web Scraping GIG:)

Note: Please contact before placing the order. (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED)

My name is Alpesh Kalathiya. I'm one of the TOP RATED and HIGHLY TRUSTED web scraping contractors on Fiverr for good reasons. I have a long history of successfully completed projects and positive feedbacks with clients across the world. 

I completed 1200+ projects and I have over 6 years of experience in Web Scraping, Web Automation, Data Extraction, Data Mining, Custom Bot Development, Building Business Lists, Web Crawler, Email list generating, and many more.

I can scrape any kind of websites like
  • E-Commerce
  • Business Directories
  • Listing site
  • any public website

I am creating automated data extraction systems using technologies like PHP, Python with Scrapy, Selenium, Beautiful Soup, Requests, etc. I have already scraped millions of records out of dozens of websites. 

Try to describe your needs as much as possible (exact site URL+ the fields you need).

* Data must be visible on the site. I can't scrap Hidden data.
* I'm not extracting personal contact information
* Add my gig as a favorite on Fiverr, finding me next time will be much easier!

Best Regards,



Work was finished ahead of schedule, much appreciated by the sellers. Scraped google and provided different columns to fit my need.


fast delivery as always - many thanks


very responsive - thanks


Very Good Job. Thanks


..great job

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