Saturday, August 15, 2020

Build Your Google Sheets And Help You Become A Sheets Wizard


Do you want to take your worksheet to the next level? I'm here to help!

I will build out your sheets and help you become a sheets wizard. I can assist in the below:

  • Data organization
  • Formulas (vlookup, index match, importrange, queries and so much more!)
  • Advanced conditional formatting
  • Optimizing Google Forms
  • Create dashboards
  • Creating templates
  • Custom calculators
  • Automating data within your sheet (copy and paste, daily sorts, move data between tabs)
  • Custom buttons
  • Automated data import from third party platforms to your spreadsheet

If there is something not listed above just reach out! I can assist with much much more! I have over 7 years experience working for large corporations building operational efficiencies through Google Sheets.

Added bonus! Anyone who purchases the premium package will also receive my Google Sheets Essentials course that I use to train business professionals on the best formulas so you to can become a sheets wizard!

Please reach out to me before placing an order for Premium Automation so we can discuss requirements. 


: : : : :

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