Friday, August 21, 2020

Web Scraping, Automation, Data Extraction And Data Mining


Before Buying The GIG, Please Message me for a discussion about your requirements. So I can tell you the Exact Delivery time or budget. 

Why This GIG is useful for you? 

I have 2+ Years of Experience in Python, Django web framework, Writing Python Scripts, Web Scraping, Web Automation, Selenium, Scrapy, Python Requests, Beautiful soup (bs4), JSON, CSV, and API Work. 

You should go for it. if you are looking for: 

  • Telephone numbers
  • Emails
  • Companies Lists
  • Images
  • Website Links
  • Videos

Output Formats are:

  • Excel XLS
  • Csv 
  • JSON
  • XML
  • Databases: MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL (Choose any One)
  • Your's choice 

My Expertise:

  • Python 3
  • Django Web Framework
  • Web Scraping Using Requests, HTML, Beautiful Soup and Scrappy Framework
  • Work with APIs
  • Make Tools In Django such as youtube video downloader, Instagram Downloader
  • Search Engine Optimation For custom Site and Wordpress
  • Theme Customization

Special Expertise for this GIG:

  • E-commerce (Amazon, eBay, Walmart) Scraping
  • Instagram Scraping (Image, videos, captions)
  • Yellow Pages Scraping and Data Mining
  • Website Bots to work auto
  • Data Mining your reports using Panda
  • Video Downloading Scripts such as youtube, Dailymotion etc


: : : : :

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