If you want the complete analysis of your business, any public figure or any trending topic, Feel free to contact us and get the Best data analysis services!Types of Analysis we perform:
- Text Classification (positive, negative and neutral)
- Emotion Classification (anger, trust, disgust, anticipation, joy, sadness, surprise, and fear ).
- Subjectivity classification (classifying a sentence as subjective and objective).
- Top positive and negative words (nouns/adjectives) with frequency.
- Polarity Classification and analysis
- Afinn Score analysis.
- Topic modeling (LDAvis)
- Deep Learning Sentiment Analysis.
Steps That will be Taken:
- Extract Data (Costs a bit extra).
- Clean the Data
- Perform Analysis.
- Perform Visualizations.
- Detailed Report.
Services That are Provided in this Gig:
- Data Extraction.
- Deep/Extensive analysis with advanced tools.
- Generate Elegant Graphs
- Professional Reports.
- Desktop Applications/GUIS.
- Source Codes.

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