Saturday, January 2, 2021

Website And Mobile App Scraping For You


Why This GIG is useful for you? 

I have 2+ Years Experience in Python, Django web framework, Writing Python Scripts, Web Scraping, Mobile App Scraping Web Automation, and API Work. 

You should go for it. if you are looking for: 

  • Telephone numbers
  • Emails
  • Companies Lists
  • Images
  • Website Links
  • Videos
  • Any other data

Output Formats are:

  • Excel XLS
  • Csv 
  • JSON
  • XML
  • Databases - MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL (Choose any One)
  • Your's choice 

My Expertise:

  • Python 3
  • Django Web Framework
  • Web Scraping Using Requests, HTML, Beautiful Soup and Scrappy Framework
  • Work with APIs
  • Make Tools In Django such as youtube video downloader, Instagram Downloader
  • Search Engine Optimization For custom Site and Wordpress
  • Theme Customization

Special Expertise for this GIG:

  • E-commerce (Amazon, eBay, Walmart) Scraping
  • Instagram Scraping (Image, videos, captions)
  • Yellow Pages Scraping and Data Mining
  • Website Bots to work auto

  • Mobile App scripts 
  • Mobile App Automation testing
  • Data Mining your reports using Panda
  • Video Downloading Scripts such as youtube, Dailymotion etc.


Seller's Response:

Easy to work with and very responsive and flexible. Just extraordinary

Seller's Response:

Thank You soo much have a great day...!

Seller's Response:

My second project with azrandhawa. They are an excellent provider. Very responsive communication and fast delivery.

Seller's Response:

Thank You Soo much have a good day..!

Seller's Response:

Great work!

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