Saturday, December 26, 2020

Create A Custom Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet With Functions, Formulas, Vba Macros


please Contact Me and once I understand your needs I'll be happy to give you a custom quote!

In this Gig, I will develop for you anything you demand using excel functions and VBA coding to create custom functions, and automate your tasks.

  • Cell function (Custom or Excel's)
  • User forms
  • Charts
  • Pivot Table
  • Excel Dashboard
  • Apply formulas/Advance Filter 
  • Vlookup / Hlookup
  • Countif / Countifs
  • Sumif / Sumifs
  • Data Validation
  • Conditioning Formatting
  • Drop down
  • Google Sheets

  • Basic – Do you hide from your data because it's such a mess? I can build you an excel spreadsheet that is organized and easy to read.

Intermediate –Who doesn't want a spreadsheet that handles the work for them? I'll create/upgrade your spreadsheet with formulas and formatting to make working with your data a pleasant experience.

Complex – Do you need something that seems impossible? Let me apply my excel spreadsheet wizardry to create magic.I truly enjoy a challenge and will create a dynamic spreadsheet that can handle a large amount of data and funnel it into usable results.


: : : : :

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