Thursday, December 17, 2020

Develop Geographical, Geospatial And Analytical Gis Maps


A surprisingly high percentage of technical reports, articles, news, brochures and online material is now backed up with GIS based maps. Certainly, maps support output results (reports) in a more technical way. 

Services i offer;

- All GIS & Remote sensing related tasks

- Develop intelligible, beautiful & clear professional maps, feature editing / digitization, spatial analysis

- Projection system / coordinates transformation, Web GIS, GIS scripting & Programming

- GIS format conversions (.SHP .KMZ .DWG .PCD, almost all types)

- Location / index / analytical, constraint, contour maps for Project area / reports (2D or 3D models)

- Satellite images

- Web embedding of GIS maps, geocoding

- Extracting GIS data from OSM (Open Street Maps), converting GIS data to any GIS format (.shp ,json ,geojson ,csv ,kml and etc.)

- GIS for Business (Business Analyst), Network Analysis, Area calculation

- Hydrological, Flood, GeoSpatial Modeling and Geostatistical Analysis

& much more on demand


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