Saturday, December 12, 2020

Develop Face Recognition Applications


Facial Recognition Models have endless applications for access control in real environments to control in verification in APPs.

What can you expect from the Solution:

  • Detect and differentiate real faces from the faces in images/pictures.
  • The response time is fast.
  • It is developed to even detect a person with or without beard,mustache, sunglasses.
  • Can be deployed as an API service. 

What can you expect from me?

  • Understand, Evaluate and Analyse the Data and Problem in hand.
  • I will discuss and help you understand the most  feasible solution for your problems which will be deployable and scalable.

Why should we work together?

  • I specialise in developing Machine Learning based Computer Vision algorithms.
  • I have hands on experience with ML/DL libraries like Tensorflow, Keras, ScikitLearn, Caffe, Pandas, Numpy etc.
  • I have hands on development experience with the latest DL algorithms like R-CNNs, Mask R-CNN etc.
  • I have hands on experience with using Google Vision APIs.


: : : : :

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